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[BREAKNG] Mass shooting reported in California Police in San BernardinoI , California, are responding to a deadly shooting incident at the Inland Regional Center, a social services facility. Eyewitness reports claim that as many as three shooters in masks and body armor may be behind the attack. At press time, ABC 7, the network’s Southern California affiliate, was reporting 12 confirmed fatalities. Other media outlets have claimed the number of casualties could be as high as 20. Police are currently surrounding the Inland Regional Center and are working to secure the scene, according to San Bernardino Police Sgt. Vicky Cervantes. Check back for updates on this rapidly developing story.
when we start to micro manage our neighbors activities like telling them when to feed their horses is making us NAZI...sorry but thats just the way it is...and that is a world away from seeing your neighbors making bombs and looking like a hit let us go cautiously ahead and make sure we do not become worse than those we fear for now I fear my neighbor for what you just described...a busy body just sticking their nose in my business just for the sake of doing it...
Years back I use to coon hunt . I had a dog and a couple of my friends had dogs. My one friend kept his dogs coup near the river.and by the rd where every one could see the dog. He was a cool dog old Troop was. Kids came by and played with him and all that. Hell I use to beep to him when I drove past. Anyway, sometimes in the spring thaw the river would rise and his coupe would be mostly under water. And sure enough the animal control officer would have to check out complaints about animal cruelty. Mean time the dog was already taken care of at a different location. One year we made a cross and planted it after the water went down. We made a memorial for old Troop and he was in good health and hunting like a champ. This caused all kinds of rumors flying, and we were having one hell of a laugh...Best damn coon hunter ever old Troop was. Those were the days.
BLADES, I understand what you are saying, and I mentioned that in my post that this sounds like a Nazi spy program.. It's just a shame, in this case, the neighbor will have bad days thinking she could have stopped the shooting. I feel sad for her. And yes, sometimes it's very hard to decide, to "rat" out someone else. What to do, what to do.
As for the horses -They were down the road from us, and their food bins hadn't been filled, for 2 days. Early on the 3rd day, a car parked at the fence, and I noticed two hay bales were being dragged over. A week later, the horses were gone - for a week or so. When they came back, their feed bin was filled each morning. Though I did not have to do anything, if it had gone on longer my husband would have talked to the owners and if they needed help, we would have done so. That's the difference - neighbors helping others and sometimes stopping bad things from happening. .
Kev When I awaken in the morning..I pray this...Dear Lord..thank you for this new me to walk within it YOUR a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path..set my feet on the path of righteousness for THY names me to have that heart that is perfect towards you in all ways and in all things..In Christ Jesus name I ask this....
Thanks for getting this for us DV..We left early yesterday and shopped most of the day...Listened to Christmas music in the car...Knew nothing of this until I got home..Well it has begun and It came to me that in France they hit a gathering for a concert..the thought I had is that They will be gunning for a Christians soon at a Christian mucic concert. here...
As I read the replies of all I regard as my special extended family, many memories of a time past surfaces and events then, if truly examined aren't much different than today..... following WWII, Korea, Viet Nam... there was that post war and social watch against Communism and protection of the country against it's effects and reporting any concern was seen as a responsibility, with that grew the Civil Defense organization, today the CD is replaced with Neighborhood Watch.... the program has good bones, yet isn't quite what it needs to be....yet.... but now such local activity needs to be more advanced, and work as partner to local and state officials so if you have a Neighborhood Watch program active.... join, if not meet with your local PD and get one started and follow the guidelines to the letter, for any good watch is a legal watch...always be considered helpful, not a hindrance....and let the misgivings of Florida be your guide. Again, as I have stated here earlier, the CERT Teams, Neighborhood Watch and Volunteers in Police Service and other type of organizations will again produce a multi prong approach in community care not seen in quite sometime.
From the time we moved into our neighbor hood, we took our walks around as a family, got to see and be seen by both old and young alike, we know who our neighbors are not just near our home but blocks away, close neighbors neat by, we exchange index cards of basic emergency #' of kin, work and school contacts.... this type of trust is earned and respected, as it should be, learn who your PD officers are, my daughter and I would stop by, say high, bring snacks and even a toy to the K-9 officers and dogs (my daughter was a Vet tech major in high school from that experience :) and we are the block support home for our youth and PD officers.
A week ago, as I arrived home a wee bit late from work, around 0900, I noticed approaching my home 4 PSEG trucks, 2 back hoes and a pluther of workers all over the street. I approached one truck and greeted them with " And what fun do you bring to my street today?" The crew foreman stepped up we shook hands and he described that a gas line leak was discovered in 2 of the houses on the street. Securing that I was not in the mix, he had an issue and hoped I could help. The line at the home 2 doors down from me needed to be dug up, not a real issue BUT, the gas meter, that were build inside each of the homes in the development was just discovered needed to be replaced and if I knew the family. I asked him to give me a few minutes to get home and try to make contact. I called the Mrs. of the home, gave a brief description of what was happening, then went outside , gave the phone to the foreman and he detailed what was needed to take care of the issue at hand, she came home from work asap and provided the needed access to the house, emergency repairs were made and house saved, the other home involved, I checked on, the owners are 3rd shifters like me at the Military Base not far from us, was home, yet I too had assisting info should it be deemed necessary to use. Again, earned trust and responsibility, true willingness to at least reach out just a bit so the feeling of community can once again take hold as it once was. We watch over or old, monitor our youth, and have group snow shoveling moments with hot coffee or a decent beer avail and great talks and laughs that keeps the rest of the day just a little bit nicer.
Hold close your home and family, reach a bit more for a neighbor and use new skills and old values to safeguard your community with experts and organizations your pay for or volunteer to for isolation and the "not my issue" attitude and political correctness has gotten this country to a very unsettled place. And one last bit of advice if I may..... CIVICS..... OMG, Please teach in the home what it is to be a citizen, the responsibility that goes with it, and the pride of being a true citizen the the United States of America......
the Cubs of the Caliphate will someday meet the Pups of Patriots!!!!!!!
Nice read...I was just thinking that, there will probably be an uptick in calls of concern from the citizens. Lets see if the left starts with the attacks of people who call. .Some of the leaders of the Muslim community will cry foul, and the left will ride in to carry their water.It is so easy to see this.
I was just thinking about the acts of terrorism in America. What if the terrorist only struck those Americans where we know illegal activity existed. i.e, illegal drug manufacturing and warehousing or gang headquarters or prostitution just to name a few. Would we feel the same about the terrorist? My guess is we would probably not be happy either with this, but our hatred and concern would not be as great. But that is not reality, they target the innocent. Now I turn my attention to America's response to terrorism. Our first attempt is to identify and capture or kill those that follow that radical ideology. We have been very successful capturing a few and killing many. If my memory serves me, it was back in 2013 when ISIS first began to surface as a possible threat to America. At that time there strength was around 13,000 strong and I believe our president referred them to the JV team. Since we began an action to stop the ISIS threat, I believe we have killed over a million Muslims in that time period, some of them killed were the terrorist. However, ISIS is now measured at 50,000 troop strength or better today. So the question begs to ask, are we really winning this war. If the measure of winning is how many we kill vs what they kill, I guess you could argue we are winning. However, if the true measurement of winning is whose military is growing smaller and less effective to determine who is winning. Certainly there is no doubt ISIS has had little to no effect on our military personnel or strength and we have taken out many of their soldiers and a significant number of their military leaders. Yet their size in strength has grown more than two-fold and the number of terrorist activities has also increased significantly. Why do you think ISIS is able to continue to build its forces faster than we can kill them? There can only be two possible reasons: 1) we are using the wrong tactical approach militarily to defeat ISIS or 2) we should be using the same terrorist techniques they use.
Let's consider reason 1, if the terrorist 50,000 soldiers spread around in 5 countries evenly at 10,000 each location, then we send 10,000 soldiers into each location to match their soldier force along with the same military hardware. Therefore, no airpower would be allowed. Each of these fighting forces would fight it our until one group captured or killed the other and when all five groups have completed fighting the group with the most soldiers would obviously be the winner. Of course, we would have those that would say our military was not designed to fight wars that way, they were designed to win wars using superior military power over the enemy. If we consider option 2, adopting the same terrorist mythology that that they use, select soft targets everywhere you can to kill as many innocent people in their own hometowns as possible. This tactic would either turn the common peaceful Muslim to join our cause to help stamp out the terrorist in their country or they will join ISIS in greater number to attack us. In either case, we win. If they join our efforts ISIS will have lesser and lesser new recruits, but it they join the fight with ISIS that opens the door for us to have a complete all out war on the Muslims and at that point we use all our military might which includes nuclear bombs.
Unfortunately, neither of these two options will work either because we do not live in the world where we are the lone superpower. Taking condition 1, where we fight the terrorist head to head is not likely we would come out the winner. We certainly recognize that the terrorist would be supported with weapons and other supplies from their friends like Iran, Russia, China and N. Korea just to name a few. The battles would go on for years and years with the extensive loss of American life which would not sit well with the American public. Going to a full out war with the Muslims would not end very well either again because we are not the lone world super power. As pointed out earlier, the nations that would join the fight also have significant military power enough to blunt most of our efforts. Who would be the victor at the end of such battle, would not matter. Our earth would not be worth living in what is remaining.
My prayers and condolences go out to the families of the victims in San Bernardino. This madness must stop, but stricter gun control won't stop it as has been proved by two attacks in Australia this year. Gun control here didn't prevent both islamic attackers obtaining guns and killing two innocent citizens. The pipe bombs found in San Bernardino also proves that without guns, bombs would be the next choice of weaponry for the attackers.
you are so right Ozzie. Gun control is the worst answer to terrorism. Instead, we need to stop depending on our government and the police to protect us from terrorist. Certainly we welcome all the help they can offer, but for the majority of our citizens to be safe or safer will require more of us to take the responsibility to carry a firearm everywhere we go. If millions of citizens would be armed it is not likely the terrorist would be able to cause the carnage some of these acts have been able to achieve. A terrorist would soon learn that guns alone would not be enough to achieve their goal and move onto larger weapons. Once that occurs it becomes much easier to uncover the plot If we can make it difficult for the terrorist to succeed they will eventually move on to other targets or lose interest in the goal.
The fact is, You are your own first responder. That is the truth of it.
well stated Kevin.
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