We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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You do realize these two are one in the same?

Makes no difference to the ranchers.

I think I made my comment very clear....forcefull actions by the people wins us nothing and only detracts from achieving positive results. We the people have all the powers in our hands to win if we know how to use them.

And how has that been working out ...You sound like a politician

How dare citizens use forceful actions.. LOL. At least you have calmed down off that armed take over kind of language... These people are cleaning the buildings Are you a politician taking up residence in some ones pocket....You sure sound it.

works every time it is used Kevin

It wins more than doing nothing.

All this churn over elections year after year and never one damned advance, only placation and delusion.

Time is NOT our friend.

Jack . You need to watch this...

Jack, You do not have to not speak here. But you need to realize that you are the establishment type. This Mr. Walden has been there a ling time. Now he speaks out with tears in his eyes after the fact. Fact being that the good Patriots showed up in his district to exspose the evil governing that has been going on. I am not at this point going to accuse Walden of wrong doing. But he is at best a politician who goes along to get along. Allowing his political career to advance within this political atmosphere. So Jack , You will continue carrying water for RINO`s , without realizing the harm you allow. I am sure you go to plenty of bbq fund raisers and rub elbows with politicians. I used too Jack . but my liberty light always burned bright and they really did not like me showing up...So you can like weak ,nice politicians like Mr. Wasden . But he is a typical RINO...I am sure his first priority will be to get these guys out of town. If he really wants to get the crime out of his local politics ,he would take advantage of the situation and start whistle blowing...That is unless he has his finger prints on the cookie jar.. So jack you are welcome to post here all you want. But like those at the bbq`s., you will not like my stance of Liberty

I personally do not see the force by those who want to make changes - but, I have seen indication of force being used by the BLM and EPA. And just why are we paying for all the military type armament, guns, uniforms, equipment, including tanks. No I'm really on the side of the right for the people. And we do have the right to peacefully protests. So far, I haven't heard of any violent action by those who are sitting there on federal lands. Oh, by the way, who owns the federal lands - WE THE PEOPLE. At least that was my belief. - It's not owned by Obama and his cronies.

Your right Virginia . They burn them out and take their land. That is documented fact. Heads will swing over this action taken by We The People..

If want to keep the iron in the second amendment. You need to dust them off and wear them once in a while. The 2nd is not nor meant for hunting.

I know I don't have to speak here Kevin and I am trying very hard to keep my promise, but when I finally saw something with sound common sense on this issue posted, I had to commend the comments. I have been active in politics for most of my adult life and have never attended a bbq fundraiser or any other type of fundraiser or have I ever rubbed elbows with any politician. That is not what I do. If I work on a campaign it is not to help the candidate raise money, it is to work to get them elected. If I do financially contribute to the campaign I do my best not to disclose that it came from me. RINO is a made up term in my mind. I have never known one and I don't think it is possible to exist in politics today. Now if you want to call a politician a moderate, I can understand that term, RINO means nothing.




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