For many years I worked in Washington and had the opportunity to interact with Joe Biden and from my first encounter with the man I knew he was a stone cold idiot. During the campaign I thought President Obama’s choice for a running mate was a sure guarantee of a loss, I was wrong. But then during the campaign I also thought, and said, that Mr. Obama was an intelligent man and an orator of great prowess, again I was wrong.
I have since discovered that President Hussein Obama is a dynamic pronouncer of words previously prepared, by him or others, but is positively hopeless without a teleprompter. I have also discovered the President most likely chose his running mate because he is more intelligent the he and let me explain what my basis is for this conclusion.
Recently the Prime Minister of England paid a visit to our country and our new administration. Mr. Brown, in accordance with tradition, presented our President with some gifts. The first gift was a pen set made from the wood of the HMS Gannett, the sister ship to the HMS Resolute. The Queen of England and the President both have matching desks made from the wood of the HMS Resolute. Mr. Brown also brought the original commissioning document for the HMS Resolute and lastly a first printing edition of Winston Churchill’s autobiography. Very fine and historic gifts indeed from our closest ally in the entire world. .
President Obama presented The Right Honorable Mr. Brown with 25 “Classic DVD’s, including, The Godfather, ET and Psyco, and then asked him to take back a bust of Winston Churchill presented to then President Bush after 9/11. President Obama also declined to have a state dinner to honor the visit of the Prime Minister of England, our closest ally.
If that doesn’t convince you he is a complete idiot and can’t remember what he said yesterday, then let’s discuss his track record so far. Every time he makes a speech the DOW drops anther 300 points because the investors don’t have any trust in his words. He promises that his administration will not have ANY lobbyists, 5 lobbyists in his cabinet later we all ask “didn’t he have a rule against it?” There seems to have also been a promise of total transparency in proposed legislation. So far every bill has passed under a “crisis watch” claiming “there just wasn’t enough time” for everyone to have a quick look, including the folks who were voting on it!
Still don’t believe this dip wad is in over his head? It seems every single appointment he has made is turning out to be a tax cheat. So it is fairly obvious he has never heard of “vetting” a nominee.
Now I am sure a bunch of you folks will accuse me of being racist or bigoted which exemplifies your own moronic tendencies the truth is these are simple FACTS! You also probably believe the global warming hoax, think we can have a dialog with the Taliban and this is all inherited from the Bush administration. “Stupid is as stupid does.”
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