Where as it in order to Protect Orselves,and to promote the spirit of self defence for American Christians,
where as It Has become obvious that all the old orders are extinct or asleep, We must prepare to be the knights of Christ.
where as It Has become obvious The hate is against Christian's and the Country We Created,
whrere as These United States are under constant attack, both from with out and from within.
where as these attacks have become more effective every… Continue
Added by C on March 19, 2009 at 12:55am —
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As Sylvester used to say to Tweety Bird, "SUFFERIN' SUCCOTASH!"
This AIG thing is the biggest smoke screen devised by the leftist Socialites. How they can continue to lie through their teeth, while blaming others for fiasco after fiasco is the biggest travesty and detriment to our Country that has ever taken place. They will continue to push until we can take no more, which is what they want. Then it will be martial law. The writing is on the wall, folks.
Feds undercut civilian supply of ammunition
Policy leaves manufacturers without brass for cartridges
Posted: March 17, 2009
9:00 pm Eastern
Big Brother Legislation Could Mean Prosecution, Fines Up To $1 Million For Growing Food
Chelsea Schilling -- World Net Daily
Some small farms and organic food growers could be placed under direct supervision of the federal government under new legislation making its way through Congress. House Resolution 875, or the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, was introduced by… Continue
Added by wakeupamerica on March 17, 2009 at 4:44pm —
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The reason that Washington D.C. has been misled by the fearmongers into the Trillions of Dollars of Bailouts is pure and simple BLACKMAIL and HUSH MONEY to keep the BIG SECRET on WHO OWNS THE DERIVATIVE DEBT BETS. JP Morgan for instance owes $43 Trillion in Derivative Debts. AIG owes kn one knows how much. All together there is $473 TRILLION DERIVATIVE DEBT WORLDWIDE in a global economy that is or was only $54 Trillion, and an American Economy that will be lucky to push $14 Trillion GDP from… Continue
Most recently, of note, is a grueling 3am trip made by Dr. Orly Taitz to attend a lecture being given by the US Supreme Court’s Chief Justice John Roberts. She traveled by car, plane and car again from her office in California to a small town… Continue
Added by Sharon Rondeau on March 17, 2009 at 1:10pm —
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All of you, check your state's voting agenda. Chances are this is coming up for a vote. This is Obama's Brown Shirts. It is a over-reaching Act that that targets all, but especially disadvantaged youth, into volenteer service. Huge, huge government.
Added by joyce on March 17, 2009 at 9:26am —
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Why is it wrong to be pro-ME? I see pro everybody else, and thats ok. They say Judeo/Christian caucasion men/people will be a minority in 40 years here, like its forgone and for the better..why not a fight for the pro-christian side too? Is there nothing worth preserving about our majiority? I think think if you look around and be HONEST...you know judeo-christian folks have designed and worked to build the whole of western civilization, and im kinda proud of that, as well as founding America,… Continue
Added by C on March 16, 2009 at 11:00pm —
1 Comment
Our Republic stands upon a precipice. Within a very short time we will either restore Constitutional Order or our nation - at least as we know it - will cease to exist.
One needs only scan the daily headlines to see the disdain our elected leaders hold for the Constitution: The collapsing U.S. currency; the expanding mortgage-debt crisis; rising food and oil… Continue
Added by C on March 16, 2009 at 12:45pm —
My ten year old son can tell you every detail of why 0bama is ineligible.
He can also explain most of the Federal Reserve scam.
Even better is my friends 8 year old son who came home from school (not where my son goes) telling mom and dad all about how 0bama isn't eligible and isn't president. They never taught him, so it means he got it from school! And it is a large city with a huge "minority" population!
A reader from Free Republic has dug up an old article last year (March 07) From TNR about Obama. It was written by Ryan Lizza, Senior editor at The New Republic. It’s a biographical piece, but in the article, it explicitly states that Jeremiah Wright is a former Muslim.
From Wright and others, Obama learned that part of his problem as an organizer was that he was trying to build a confederation of churches but wasn’t showing up in the pews on Sunday. When pastors asked him the… Continue
Added by wakeupamerica on March 15, 2009 at 11:04pm —
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Dr. Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah (World Net Daily) teleconference regarding Obama's background and illegal activities in Kenya (support of Odinga's massacre in Kenya and radical Islamism) and violations of The Logan Act.