We'll see if Sean Hannity has the BALLS to include the "obama BIRTH CERTIFICATE" and other important documents requested in lawsuits by attorneys such as passports, school records, medical records etc in his program agenda.
If not, this'll be just another "smoke and mirrors" program!
"Mark your calendar –
This Sunday on Fox Sean Hannity, ~ Fox news, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 8:00 PM central / 9 PM eastern.…
Added by GySgt Bob Pinkstaff USMC Retired on August 7, 2009 at 10:38am —
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August 7, 2009
Congressman Joseph Courtney
215 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Courtney:
I am writing regarding the circumstances of the health care discussion forum last evening at the Woodstock Academy in Woodstock, CT.
I first heard of the meeting on August 4, 2009, through an email from an acquaintance. There was nothing posted on your website about it nor anything in the newspapers. On…
Added by Sharon Rondeau on August 7, 2009 at 7:56am —
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CANADA FREE PRESS (CFP) REPORTS: Media Blackout on obama eligibility dates back to November
Douglas Hagmann & Judi McLeod Bio
Email Article
By Douglas Hagmann & Judi McLeod Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Do you remember Watergate? Thirty-five years ago this Sunday, U.S. President Richard M. Nixon submitted his letter of resignation for his role in the scandal. There was the crime – the break-in, and then there was the cover-up by the Nixon administration.…
Added by GySgt Bob Pinkstaff USMC Retired on August 6, 2009 at 9:45pm —
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Added by wakeupamerica on August 6, 2009 at 5:51pm —
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By Coach Dave Daubenmire
August 6, 2009
I don’t know if I can get in any legal trouble for what I am about to write but I feel compelled to say what I believe.
In the spirit of full disclosure allow me to say that I do not support Barack Obama. I did not vote for him. In the 2008 election I voted for a man, Alan Keyes, who has a darker skin color…
Added by wakeupamerica on August 6, 2009 at 5:42pm —
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Support #iamthemob, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - http://twibbon.com/join/iam...
Added by wakeupamerica on August 6, 2009 at 5:24pm —
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The White House just released this on their blog which now asks people to report their friends and neighbors to the White House.
Opponents of health insurance reform may find the truth a little inconvenient, but as our second president famously said, "facts are stubborn things." Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to "uncover" the truth about the President’s health insurance reform positions....Since we can’t… Continue
Added by Taymor on August 6, 2009 at 4:33pm —
1 Comment
Some of you may have heard of the new Whitehouse snitch site, flag@whitehouse.gov. This email address is set up to keep track of those who send around chain emails and such that are counter-productive to the socialist/communist/fascist direction of the current administration. This turn of events is quite troubling to those of us that find freedom of speech appealing. However, since I am a “give me liberty or give me death” guy I am going to snitch on myself and encourage all of you to do the…
Added by Walt Holton on August 6, 2009 at 3:20pm —
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just like in Star Wars where Emporer Palpatine says, "Execute order 66" well now it is O and his gang saying, "Execute order 666"
TWITTER has not been fully down to me today but no matter what server i go on it gives me troubles and i am limited in what i can put on there hmm apparently they in control of twitter now eh?
just like in Star Wars where Emporer Palpatine says, "Execute order 66" well now it is O and his gang saying, "Execute order 666"
Added by wakeupamerica on August 6, 2009 at 2:55pm —
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You in Washington seem to have amnesia.
For the Constitution start with We The People.
It is We The People who put in your office.
It is We The People who you are in Washington to represent.
You are not there to represent your political Party but to represent We The People.
You are in Washington to do the will of the people NOT THE WILL OF YOUR POLITICAL PARTY.
We The People who put you in your office can also take in OUT OF YOUR OFFICE
Your party can…
Added by Paul on August 6, 2009 at 1:14pm —
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The Book "Heaven and Earth" will knock any belief in Man made Global Warming right out of your silly little head. This guy (Ian Pilmer) really goes into depth and makes the mere concept of the idea seem positively silly. Good price at…
Added by joker on August 6, 2009 at 10:32am —
1 Comment
Veterans In Politics Talk Show Introduces John Cahill and Harvey Munford
LIVE on www.AllTalkRadio.net
August 8: John Cahill Clark County Public Administrator:
Harvey Munford Nevada State Assemblyman District 6:
"Veterans In Politics" is a weekly radio show produced by the Veterans In Politics International and hosted by Steve Sanson and co-hosted by Ronda Baldwin Kennedy on www.alltalkradio.net.
The "Veterans In Politics" show…
Added by Steve Sanson on August 5, 2009 at 2:54am —
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Rest assured, it's a "SURE BET" that the U.S. Military, from the top brass to the lowest private, now serving on Active Duty and or as a Reservist, are very much aware of this evil Muslim communist, USURPER, barack hussein obama and his reckless followers "QUEST" to destroy the U.S. Constitution and the United States of America as we know it today.
Keep in mind that the U.S. Military, both Active and Reserves, took the following oaths ... And will not allow the the U.S. Constitution…
Added by GySgt Bob Pinkstaff USMC Retired on August 4, 2009 at 5:29pm —
Swine Flu Vaccines Contain LIVE H1N1 VIRUS!!.aspx
by DefendUSx August 04, 2009 13:48
No World System
August 4, 2009
It’s not a typo, the main ingredient in the GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis vaccines contain a LIVE VIRUS, an attenuated virus meaning it’s a weakened form of the swine flu virus. Attenuated vaccines can be deadly and cause virus shedding, when a person is…
Added by wakeupamerica on August 4, 2009 at 3:25pm —
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Something is up i keep having troubles with team sarah and now it is worse now when i try to get to blogs or certain parts it goes directly to a yahoo page which i never go to and so thus i can never get to the blogs on team sarah has yahoo taken over? or anyone? help advice info? what can I do?
Added by wakeupamerica on August 4, 2009 at 2:51pm —
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Added by wakeupamerica on August 4, 2009 at 2:20pm —
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Added by wakeupamerica on August 4, 2009 at 1:29pm —
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbg1FFvLL9A John MacArthur
Added by wakeupamerica on August 4, 2009 at 12:45pm —
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http://orlytaitzesq.com/ scroll down to look at the COLB Kenya Barack Obama
and i guess Hillary is on it on the case to do something to stop it?
Anyone else notice that Hillary Clinton left bright and early this AM to go to Kenya. I'm not kidding.
Could that be a coincidence? The morning after this certificate…
Added by wakeupamerica on August 4, 2009 at 12:31pm —
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The evil muslim communist, USURPER, illegal invader, barack hussein obama, the current administration, the U.S. congress, SCOTUS, and all appointed officials of this evil, reckless administration are a clear and present danger to the survival of Christianity, the U.S. Constitution, the freedoms and way of life that we American citizens "USED TO ENJOY"!
The leaders of this evil mob who are destined to destroy Christianity, the U.S. Constitution, the United States of America, our…
Added by GySgt Bob Pinkstaff USMC Retired on August 4, 2009 at 12:28pm —
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