between citizens and non-citizens
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Here We Go!: Obama Is Said to Consider Preventive Detention Plan
So says the NY Times.
Comment from Stewart Rhodes: Folks, this is what I have been expecting and dreading: This is the next phase in the "war on terrorism" being turned inward on us. Notice how there is no mention of Obama wanting to use "preventive detention" on only non-citizen foreigners. I'll have more to say on the other side. -…
Added by wakeupamerica on May 22, 2009 at 12:08pm —
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Dear Patriots,
Has anyone taken notice lately of One Million Moms’ successful campaigns to clean up television’s airwaves?
This little national group of women who are dedicated to preserving traditional family and Christian values in America are making waves that the ASP’s Jennifer Smith would find daunting.
One after another, OMM are meeting their objectives and are commanding the attention of the PTBs of the airwaves. United and fearless, this group of determined mothers and…
Added by AlphaPatriot on May 21, 2009 at 2:49pm —
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The talk of the pinheads continues with the same purposes in mind . Take today the speeches of Liar in Chief and Former VP Dick Cheney. Oh the outrage of pinhead Bob Beckle was so funny as to him making an ass of himself. These people on the far left just won’t let it go. I found the Liar’s speech so full of himself it would make you sick. I found him defensive and talking with forked tongue. The talks of unity but continues to keep the divide going. Between him ,Pelosi, and now turncoat…
Added by JudyDee on May 21, 2009 at 12:31pm —
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The following was forwarded to me from a friend.
Should Americans Prepare for a “Summer of Rage”?
April 14, 2009 | From
Why some are saying it’s time to get your guns, get out of the city and head for your survival bunker. By Robert Morley
Americans are the most heavily armed people in the world.
They are also probably the most heavily doped, drugged and indebted. With the economy breaking down, an explosive cocktail could be…
Added by AlphaPatriot on May 21, 2009 at 10:54am —
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Commissioner Aaronson Insults Single Patriot Mother!
Next Tea Party Planned at June 16 Palm Beach County Commission Meeting
On Tuesday March 19, Suzanne Squire, a single working mom took off time from work to go to the Palm Beach County Commission Meeting. Suzanne, when allowed to address the meeting, said that the spending was "unsustainable" and then referenced David Crockett, while a member of Congress, who said "The Money belongs to the Taxpayers!" Suzanne Squire then…
Added by Mama Dukes on May 20, 2009 at 3:31pm —
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Question: According to the majority of Liberals and others, there was nothing positive that transpired during the eight-year Bush Presidency, as it relates to the Middle East Policy-Could that be true?
My recent blog contains an article that seems to give us the Pros and Cons of the Bush Presidency, as it relates to the Middle East Policy. Although, I agree that there were some Cons, like every other Presidency, I believe that the number one Pro was that we were never attacked here…
Added by Jake Martinez on May 20, 2009 at 4:06am —
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I know I’m new here but I have posted this on some other sites and would like you input. Please don’t take this as an attempt to “take over” just to stimulate the discussion.
One of the most discussed and ignored question I’ve read on the groups I’ve joined is what is next? Should we form a third party? Some say join the minority party AKA the GOP along with a few other suggestions. I’ve been thinking about it and here are my 2 cents or is it only worth 1 cent now (inflation is a…
Added by Green2 on May 20, 2009 at 12:41am —
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Videos documenting this information can be found by searching YouTube for George Green. You will find many interviews and documentaries.
“If it is as you say, why try to fight? If they are more powerful than anything, we are defeated now. Is it your goal to let us know we are dead men walking? Or can educated public do anything about it?”
My answer to this question is No! We are not dead men walking. This is what the Illuminati would have us to believe. This is how they…
Added by AlphaPatriot on May 19, 2009 at 6:15pm —
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What follows is a copy of a letter that I e-mailed to my NM U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressman on May 19, 2009, and would like to share it with you in hopes that you do the same, as a means of standing up for and defending our “Constitutional Rights,” which I adamantly believe are systematically and covertly being eroded by this President and his administration, which will ultimately destroy this great country of ours-You…
Added by Jake Martinez on May 19, 2009 at 5:11pm —
1 Comment
What follows is a Press Release that I e-mailed to all News Media outlets and are shared with you in hopes that you will do the same, as a means of standing up for and defending our eroding "Constitutional Rights" under this President and his administration, that will ultimately destroy this great country of ours-You Decide:
"Food For Thought"
"God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe"
Semper Fi!
Added by Jake Martinez on May 19, 2009 at 2:54pm —
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had a good day on Armed Forces Day last Saturday and remember folks Memorial Weekend this weekend Memorial Day coming up!!!
Added by wakeupamerica on May 19, 2009 at 2:49pm —
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Added by wakeupamerica on May 19, 2009 at 2:46pm —
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I do not know of the accuracy of this, It was sent to me yesterday.
Worth taking a look at:
Added by Daniel Smith on May 19, 2009 at 1:30pm —
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Question: Was there any question in your mind that this last election was riddled with ACORN voter fraud?
Defend Our Freedoms recently revealed a blog stating that a journalist from The New York Times finally has the fortitude to reveal the truth about the connection between ACORN and this President during the campaign, which a majority of us have known since last year-You…
Added by Jake Martinez on May 19, 2009 at 9:16am —
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Question: Could it be true that President Obama, while attending Columbia University, was hired by Brzezinski, a CIA expert on the Soviet Union, who taught international relations and was head of the Institute for Communist Affairs at Columbia, which is supposedly why the courts and Congress are silent when it comes to his U.S. citizenship eligibility status?
My recent blog contains an eye-opening blog that reveals that President Obama was one of 8 students selected to study…
Added by Jake Martinez on May 19, 2009 at 9:12am —
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Can you believe the excuses you will hear from the pinheads as to why Liar in Chief is pushing so fast
everything including Health care which he wants done by July. Well in my opinion it doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer that one. Here you pinheads I'll answer it for you. The reason he pushing everything is before the 2010 election because he will loose control of everything. He is doing as much damage to the country as he can because the way Congress works it will take decades to…
Added by JudyDee on May 18, 2009 at 5:00pm —
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The following was taken from the Canadian Free Press. It is a very long read, but well worth your time if you love America.
Freedom and Liberty run in our blood!
The President Who Hates His Country
By Joan Swirsky Sunday, May 3, 2009
In the last century, the impassioned words and actions of patriots like Winston Churchill – along with America’s heroic help and sacrifice – saved Europe. The eloquence and actions of “I’ve been to the mountaintop” Martin…
Added by AlphaPatriot on May 18, 2009 at 12:18pm —
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Greetings: I am neither conservative, liberal, centrist, republican or democrat. I am an American who is fed up with big government constantly growing itself to the detriment of the American Dream...More later.
Edwin Gravitt
RFD1-1955: Advanced studies - School of Hard Knocks. SOHK! :)
"We cannot possibly defend our freedom abroad while surrendering it to our own government!"
Added by Edwin Gravitt on May 18, 2009 at 8:43am —
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Everyone needs to read this ! From Anthrax To Zawahiri,searching for answers.Please take time to read this.
Added by cheryl belford on May 17, 2009 at 8:05pm —
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I just finished reading the book "
The Majesty of GOD'S LAW". I went cover to cover skipping only that small amount which I already knew.
The first two chapters were worth the whole effort. Several following chapters were a cool breeze on a very hot day. The first two chapters explain in detail why it is reasonable to say that the Constitution of the United States of America is based on the Old Testament and improved by the New Testament.
The book is out of print. I…
Added by Robert Millward on May 17, 2009 at 12:22pm —
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